Here’s all the lovely Chinese words that I throw in my posts. Sometimes things just sounds better in Chinese.
Word/phrase | Chinese characters | Meaning | Usage and notes |
bu fangbian | 不妨便 | ‘not convenient’ | This can also mean ‘awkward’ or ‘socially uncomfortable.’ Frequently used to give an excuse for why something didn’t happen or won’t happen without actually explaining the reasons. |
chabuduo | 差不多 | ‘almost, nearly’ | Used to mean “close enough,” or “good enough.” |
chunlian | 春联 | ‘spring couplets’ | Pairs of sayings/wishes written vertically on red paper to hang on the left and right sides of doors for Spring Festival |
fangbian | 方便 | ‘convenient’ | |
hongbao | 红包 | ‘red packet’ or ‘red envelope’ | Small, red, decorated envelopes that are used for giving money on occasions such as Chinese New Year or weddings. |
jiaozi | 饺子 | ‘Chinese dumplings’ | The general term for these is jiaozi. If they are boiled, they’re shui jiao, if they’re steamed, they’re zheng jiao, and if they’re pan-fried, they’re jian jiao. Here in the south, I’ve never heard them called guo tie (which is literally ‘pot stick,’ where the English name “potstickers” comes from), but I think that is what the pan-fried ones are called in other parts of the country. |
kuaidi | 快递 | ‘express delivery service’ | |
laowai | 老外 | ‘old outsider’ | The chummy, familiar, slightly respectful way to refer to foreigners. There are contrary reports that the term is not so friendly. Used the same was as meiguoren and waiguoren. |
mafan | 麻烦 | ‘hassle, trouble, bother’ | This word is even used by laowai who don’t speak Chinese because it’s just more useful than the English words. “It was too much mafan.” |
meiguoren | 美国人 | ‘American (person)’ | Technically, this is those who are from the U.S., but it is used as a blanket term for anyone white person. |
nai nai | 奶奶 | ‘grandma’ | This specifically refers to one’s paternal grandmother, but it used as a respectful way to refer to any women of grandmotherly age. |
niangao | 年糕 | ‘year cake’ | A “cake” made of glutinous rice flour, sometimes with brown sugar added in, sometimes made into special shapes. |
renao | 热闹 | ‘hot and noisy’ | This is the ideal of what any restaurant, party, gathering, or celebration should be. Bustling, boisterous, lots of music/talking/laughter, probably quite a bit of drinking, FUN. |
sanlunche | 三轮车 | ‘three wheeled vehicle’ | A small three-wheeled motorcycle taxi that has a covered area in the rear with two benches. I cannot prove this, but I swear they are specifically engineered for all the exhaust to be piped directly into the passengers’ faces. These are used for short distances inside cities. In a small town like ours, you can ride in one all the way across town, or even hire one to take you to a neighboring town or village, for the right price. |
waiguoren | 外国人 | ‘outside country person, foreigner’ | Technically, this includes anyone who is not a P.R.C. citizen, but it is often used to only refer to white (Caucasian) people. |
wenxiang | 蚊香 | ‘mosquito coil’ | These are a spiral of incense-like material that are burned to keep mosquitos away. |
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