an Americanish life in backwater China

Tag spring

Four Months Later, Kunming is Still Recovering From the Big Freeze

In late January, Kunming was hit with three days of below-freezing weather. While it’s not unusual for Kunming to get some snow every few years, the fact that temperatures remained below freezing for so long was devastating to much of… Continue Reading →

Sunny day, sunning day

In the winter, we don’t get a whole lot of seriously sunny days around here. Most days are either overcast or outright rainy, so when the sun breaks through, the people rejoice. And by rejoice, I mean, they drag out… Continue Reading →

How to hack your bathroom into a clothes dryer

Every year around this time, Eric and I are remindedĀ of what is missing from our lives: a clothes dryer. We do pretty well most of the year with drying clothes out on the line in the sun, but the cold,… Continue Reading →

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